Use Climend to know the carbon footprint of the home page of any website. Enter the URL of the website below.


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Making websites carbon-friendly is crucial for reducing the environmental impact of the internet.

Energy Consumption

Websites can consume a significant amount of energy, particularly those with multimedia content, dynamic features, and real-time updates.

Corporate Responsibility

Companies have a responsibility to minimize their environmental impact, and this includes their digital presence.

User ​​Experience

Carbon-friendly websites can also provide a better user experience. 

Regulatory Compliance

As governments and international organizations increasingly prioritize environmental protection.

What does Climend do?

Climend {cli for climate, mend for repair} analyzes your web applications for their carbon footprint and recommends changes to minimize their environmental impact.

Why is it important?

Data Centers that host web applications are consuming 3% of global energy in 2023 that will reach 4% by 2030. This consumption significantly contributes to carbon emissions and results in accelerating climate change. We need to proactively take steps to reduce emissions in all possible ways.

How do web applications contribute to climate change?

Web applications are generally designed from a functional perspective with a goal to go live as soon as possible. Hence, little thought goes into rationalizing the size and complexity of individual web pages. The web pages may be unreasonably large in size or unnecessarily complex resulting in additional workload for the server, the network and the client. Hardly anybody analyzes the application on these parameters once it is live. An exceptional situation may occur when the application performs poorly. However, that issue is normally taken care of by upgrading or replacing the hardware.

What are the steps for analyzing a web application?

The Climend Team, comprising of experienced web developers and analysts, will check each web page in the web application along with the application owner/key users for the following:

  1. Size: The components of the web page, the utility of these components and whether they can be eliminated or reduced in size.
  2. Complexity: The underlying work done by the server to serve the page to the user and whether it can be reduced by making usage and design changes.
  3. Other Factors: Any other contributing factors.

A page wise report for the application will be submitted to the application owner with the above analysis, recommendations and estimated reduction in size / time / cost, as applicable.

How can my organization participate in this initiative?

You can write to us at team@climend.com providing basic information about your intranet / internet web applications and number of users and we will take it up from there.